Friday, July 11, 2008

Times They Are A Changing....

To say June was a turbulent month would be an understatement. In order to save time I will give you the quickie version. Stephen had a moment about how unhappy he was staying home and taking care of Noah; said things he shouldn't have said; I left him; we went to marriage counseling; we are back together; I have quit my job and am searching for one with benefits that I can do out of our house because I am staying home with Noah; and we have finally reached a reconciliation. The most interesting part about it is that we are probably happier than we have been in a long time. Noah is too. Although he smiles so much it is hard to tell if he is ever unhappy.

Here is a pictorial overview of the past month:

Grammy decided that we were old enough for a bagel breakfast sandwich and Noah decided that he should eat all of it. Most of it came tumbling out after he realized that he couldn't chew it.

Noah has become very fond of the dog bowl and enjoys "sink and float" experiments. Here he is testing dog food...last week it was my cell phone. He also likes to be like the dog and dip his face into the dog bowl.

And here we have his two great loves...water and girls. He is a nut for both. We went to my friend, Carla's house and played in her pool. It was the first time he has been in water without being able to touch his feet to the bottom. When we took him out of the float and put him on the stairs he decided to just walk and sank like a stone. Scared me to death...he thought it was funny.

I will be posted more regularly now. I should have done it sooner, but my writing also came out a little melodramatic and who wants to read that. Oh, yes before I forget we are up to 10 teeth now. He is pretty much munching down anything he can get in his mouth.

We are off to the beach for the next week. This will be Noah's first time and can't wait to introduce him to sand.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Catherine, I had no idea that Stephen's "freaking out" was much worse than I thought. After having an IHOP breakfast with our stiching buddies today, I had to catch up on reading your blog. I'm so glad things are better now. Debbie.

Anonymous said...

I will miss you tons, but I am so happy with your decision! Promise to bring Noah by to visit regularly and we all win. ;) Paula

CathyTeach said...

I promise :)