Thursday, May 29, 2008

Diagnosis Abound...

We met with the Pediatric Pulmonary Specialist today. She is a lovely woman and treated Noah in the hospital; she was also the one that said we could handle his needs at home and allowed us to be discharged from the hospital. Apparently, he does not have asthma per say, but he does have a respiratory disease that I can't remember the name of. In essence, we will treat him as if he has asthma and this should prevent further hospital stays. So for the next month, Noah is on Pulmacort twice a day which is a steriod and then he will switch to one a day for the next year. Because of his age he can't handle an inhaler yet, so we will have to see and we may find he grows out of it. Currently, it is brought on by seasonal allergies. So the goal is to be able to take him off the steroid for a couple of months next summer. We shall see.

Because life is not enough if you can't have two crisis, we now have problems with our dog. About four days ago, Willie could not bend his back legs. We tried walking him around the block and he couldn't make it, same with playing with the ball. So of course, we rushed him to the vet. They tell us that he has gained 10 pounds in the past month and he has to have a bland diet, due to a three day diarrhea explosion all over the house. Thank god for carpet cleaners. So needless to say we were panicked. After blood tests and x-rays, it has been determined that Willie has hypothyroid issues. So he is now on a daily medication as well and soon should be feeling better. Our biggest hurdle is keeping Noah from feeding him. Noah likes that Willie gives him licks when he is fed.

The bright spot is that everyone will be okay with some handy drugs and a lot of TLC. My munchkin has regained his speech and is back to climbing like a champ. Still doesn't walk, but honestly he doesn't seem very interested in it. Very much the way Stephen and I were according to our mothers.

Speaking of mother, Chips came for a visit after Noah got back from the hospital. It was great. She cooked meals for us which tasted fantastic and the house is clean with the laundry done. I will never keep this up until summer, so I am enjoying it as long as I can.

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