Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Just a few hours now before the new year begins. I have talked with friends who are hoping for a year of adventure and change, but for us it should be a year of preparation. This is the year we get the bills paid off and the saving account building. Our plan is to move in 2012, so this is the year of getting things ready. Going through boxes and being sure of what we really want to take. Moving across the country is not cheap and you just want to be sure of everything that you take.

The current plan, baring any major changes, is to move to Las Vegas, NV in June of 2012. I used to live there and loved it! There is nothing as wonderful as a bright beautiful sun each morning. I loved where I was teaching and the place I was living. The people I met in Vegas were wonderful and I know we will meet new fabulous people when we get there. In September 2012, Noah will start Kindergarten, so we are getting prepared for him to be in school full time.

I laugh at the number of things I think about. The truth is that I am a consummate planner and think of all the possibilities, so I have potential solutions. Of course with all this planning is the possibility that life could throw us the curve ball and everything could change. I am open to it all, but I must admit I am super excited about going to Vegas.

As we end 2010, I hope that everyone has a wonderful and healthy New Year!

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