Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I came on to begin writing about the new year and noticed that I haven't blogged since 2010.  I tried to remember why and then it dawned on my.  I went back to teaching and all other aspects of my life went on hiatus.  So here I am in 2013 decided to try to take a little bit of fun back.

I did what most people due on December 31st of any year and thought about what I would like to do differently.  The list is extensive - take a picture everyday (this is my Project 365), and write in my blog each day, and so on. Of course I always included the standard, keep my house cleaner, eat better, exercise, lose weight, and so on.  So after I was done rolling on the floor laughing at the stupidity of my own ideas, I thought what do I really hope to accomplish.

1- Moving to Texas without throwing myself in a well first.  Packing and moving even with six months is daunting.  I need to find a job and get everything set for our new house.  All this while helping my mom with her dialysis and we have the prospect that Stephen might need to move earlier than the rest of us.  Truth is that it would be a great opportunity for him, so I am hopeful the new store doesn't open until end of July. Along with this is getting the condo ready to rent.  Today I decided to write a list of everything we need to get done between now and July 1.  Wow what a list.

I had this idea there would be a list, but truth is there is really just the one goal and whole lot in it. Don't know where the taking fun back will be, but we will work on it.  We had "Yes Day!" yesterday and it was definitely a great way to end the last year.

So to all a very happy new year to you and may all your dreams come true.

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