Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Wow has life been busy. I realized this morning that it has been a month since I blogged last and Christmas is now behind us. We had a lovely Christmas this year. Everyone managed to get things that they really appreciated. I made the Grandmothers coffee table books of Noah, which I was rather pleased with in the end. My mother is hinting at a future yearly library and would like a calendar. I got a new lens for my camera and a tripod to properly test out my newly developing skills. This should help with my overall interest in taking nature shots. What can I say I like bug pictures. Stephen was upgraded to the lastest IPOD has to offer. He is becoming our main Mac guy. And Noah....."is gonna be a rock star." (thank you Nickelback :)

Noah is now full equipped with a piano, drums, guitar, and a harmonica. I think he might be a little into this music thing. The guitar and drums ranked as his favorite gifts by far.

Right after Christmas we left for Houston to visit Stephen's family. It was probably one of the most relaxing visits we have had there in a long time. Last year we spent our visit in the hospital. The weather was a fabulous 65-70 degrees and we enjoyed every second of it. Especially at the park with that is next to my Mother-in-law's house. It was a fabulous park with ducks and a soccer field. The kids has a wonderful time.

This dog was even nice enough to let me play with my camera lens and see what it could do.

I also managed to finish up the last of my dishcloths and I finished the book Twilight. I have talked to several people who did not care for the book, but honestly I can't put them down. I have been this excited over a book, since Harry Potter. I even dragged Stephen out with me to see the movie. It made for a great end of vacation date.

Ah, so the Christmas fun is over and the New Year has begun. This year is the "Year of the Purge" for us. So wish us good luck as we more that get rid of the unwanted in all aspects of our lives. I'm starting in the kitchen.

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