Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thanksgiving and a Christmas Parade

I'm amazed at how much work goes into one meal. I love cooking Thanksgiving, but any way you slice it, it is a lot of cooking. We enjoyed a quiet Thanksgiving with my mom. We tried a new sweet potato recipe that Stephen enjoyed. Sadly for Stephen, I try a new recipe every year in an attempt to reach sweet potato perfection. The problem is that I really don't like sweet potatoes, but both my guys love them. Noah has also discovered cranberry sauce. My big secret....I like the kind out of the can. I open it and think of that dog cartoon, where he watches the dog food slide out of the can and wiggle (still can shaped) in his bowl with a look of complete dejection. I, on the other hand, love cranberry sauce that way. Noah is my first convert. :)

We also started the tradition of going to Bull Run Park to see the Festival of Lights. Noah tradition has become sleeping through the Festival of Lights. This was his second sleep in a row. Maybe next year.

On Saturday, we went to the annual Leesburg holiday parade. It was fun to watch and see the bands perform. Secretly in our heart of hearts, Stephen and I would love for Noah to join the band. It was very cold and by the end, Noah had had enough of the cold and made it known to all that this cold thing stunk. Next year, Mommy and Daddy are driving closer to the parade route, so we don't have to walk in the cold. Overall, we had a good time and Noah got a cool Frosty the Snowman Light to wave around.

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