Wednesday, January 21, 2009

25 Random Things

A friend tagged me with this and I thought it was fun, so I'm adding it as a blog entry. Truth is I didn't think I had 25 things to share, but low and behold.

1. I am crafty---cross-stitching, quilting, knitting, scrapbooking, (soon to crochet).
2. I am a die hard Redskins fan...even when they are losing. I have clothes and everything.
3. I am very opinionated about Politics/Religion/Spirituality...I just don't share it with many people.
4. My dad died when I was 21 and I miss him very much. My son has his eyes.
5. I love all things sweet, but I hold a special place for COTTON CANDY!
6. Becoming a teacher was one of the best decisions of my life. Teaching and I are well suited and I enjoyed it everyday.
7. My first hero was my grandfather. When we would sit together and read the comics he could read what Woodstock said in "Peanuts." I thought it was amazing and he told me it was the special line in his glasses.
8. I remember the day I learned to read. It was Richard Scarry's Biggest Word Book Ever.
9. I used to live in Las Vegas, NV. I loved it there.
10. I have never loved anything the way I love my son.
11. My husband is a beautiful man and most days I'm not sure why he picked me, but yeah me.
12. I can sign although not as well as I used to.
13. I have more craft projects then I have years left to live.
14. I am secretly a goth chick who digs vampires.
15. I have played the clarinet for 26 years.
16. I am an oil painter, but not a terribly good one. My mother is much better.
17. One of my favorite presents was the year, my husband agreed to be my gopher and I got to sit all day and cross-stitch while watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Needless to say that was before Noah.
18. I spent my 30th birthday at the zoo.
19. When I was able to bring my son home from the hospital, he weighted 4lbs 7oz. I held him for 3 days straight because I was afraid he wouldn't know who I was.
20. I graduated from Longwood University and met two of my best friends there.
21. When I was 2, I beat up the little boy next door for taking my big wheel.
22. I play with the Loudoun Symphonic Winds.
23. One of my favorite things to do is get up early in the morning, grab McDonald's and go have breakfast in the park. My dad and I used to do it all the time.
24. I love photography and wish I were a better photographer.
25. My idea of heaven is an endless array of great food, books to read everywhere, craft projects to do and nothing but time.

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