Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Adventures in Houston

Well, our first Christmas with Noah was wonderful. He enjoyed playing with Santa and Daddy. He was more excited about the play phone than the Tonka 3-in-1, but I say give it time. It was also fun to spend Christmas morning with just the three of us and I got a new digital camera. It is the Canon Rebel XTI. The exact one I wanted. I will post pics from it as soon as we get back to VA. We then left for my mom's house and had a wonderful day. Stephen got a set of golf clubs and he is very excited for spring to come around, so he can play. The animals were delivered to my mom so they could have company while we are gone and little did we realize that this would be a great thing.

I am excited to report that Noah made it through the airplane ride like a champ. We got a lot of wonderful compliments and people assured us that they wouldn't mind being on a plane with us again. Luckily, it seems that Noah has Stephen's ear drums and plane flight doesn't bother him. We arrived in Houston and all was well until Wednesday evening. Noah had been coughing, but not much that we were concerned. We figured we would keep him away from Charlie since he was so small. In the night, Noah started to develop problems breathing. Luckily, Chips, my mother-in-law, is a Vice President of a hospital and family care practice. So needless to say getting in to see the doctor was not difficult. He was diagnosed with RSV which is not a big deal for anyone over 1, but a very big deal for our wee one. I was so happy I didn't go over to Jenni's house and expose Henry to this nastiness. The doctor gave Noah a steroid shot, worst shot ever. He slept a bunch and still wheezed a bit and started to return to his good natured self.

By 4 AM on Friday, good mood was over. Noah woke up crying and barely able to breathe. He was rushed to the ER and put on oxygen. By 10 AM, we were admitted into Hermann Memorial Southwest Hospital and we have been here ever since. Noah is better. Today we were able to take him off of oxygen, but he still receives nebulizer treatments ever 4 hours. Initially, we were going home today, but we have changed our flight until Friday. The doctor believes that if everything keeps getting better we should be able to be released on Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed.

My boss is fabulous. We contacted her and she is taking care of everything at work for me, so my classroom will be taken care of for the rest of the week. Did I tell you how I can't wait to get home and relax a bit?

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