Sunday, April 26, 2009

Turning 2 and deja vu

My munchkin is 2. He had a wonderful birthday. We began celebrating on Saturday with a day of presents and a fun chicken and dumplings dinner. Noah LOVES chicken. We even got him a birthday cake. This year he got a big wheel that looks like a motorcycle, a pirate ship, a Little People airplane, and a kitchen. He loved all of them. We ended up opening them over the course of the day which made for the perfect amount of excitement without too much overwhelmingness.

On Noah's actual birthday, March 3oth we went to the National Zoo. Noah thought this place was amazing and loved seeing all the animals. He ran through a large part of the zoo. His favorite animals were the pandas, and the birds. He really wanted to see Melman, but all the giraffes were sent to FL while the zoo is creating their new Elephant habitat. It was so much fun to spend the day, just the three of us. It happens so rarely these days.

Noah thought the birds were amazing.

Noah and Mommy with the seals. It is very rare to get a photo of Noah and myself. I thought this one wasn't too bad.

My boys....they are the best in the world!
We were very excited to see the new gorilla. Mommy gorilla even stopped to allow photos to be taken.

Noah liked to snuggle up to the Panda statue.

On Saturday, we got together with several of Noah's friends at the park and ate cupcakes. Sadly, the weather wasn't the best - very windy. Noah enjoyed playing in the park especially on their wooden fire engine. I will have to post some follow up photos. I haven't gotten them downloaded yet.

During all this Noah picked up a runny nose and after two weeks ended up in the hospital again. Luckily this time did not require trips in a helicopter and incubation. So we learned the joys of entertaining a two year old that is strapped to an oxygen pump and an IV drip. Thankfully, he is home now and back to his same old self. Now we need to return to potty training, but need to find time at home to do it.


Kathie said...

Fantastic photos, Catherine! Noah looks sooo cute in these and you have quite an eye for photography.

Wow, Noah is going to be such a heartbreaker when he grows up.

Sue in N. Va said...

What a handsome boy!! I looks like he had a fabulous birthday... love the motorcycle! Vrooooom vrooom!

I agree with Kat on the pictures... you have a great eye!