Sunday, January 13, 2008


So part of my 2008 hopes and dreams is to become more organized. Stephen got me a Franklin planner and I have been faithfully putting the important dates of my life in there. It is taking a while, but I have hopes that it will be fully implemented by summer. This also helps me remember when I need to get a sub for school due to Noah's doctor appointments. All this being said, Noah has decided to alter his schedule and I am having a dickens of a time getting him back on track. Pre-hospital visit, Noah would gladly get up around 8:30am and take a nap or two in the day and usually find his way to his crib around 9:00pm. This was great. I could still get school work done, before my bewitching hour. Post-hospital visit, Noah gets up around 9:30am, takes two nice long naps during the day and will not go to bed until 11:30 pm. So here I am updating my blog at midnight and Noah has just gone to sleep. I keep thinking if we could move him slightly in 15 minute increments, maybe I could get some sleep.

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