Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Juice Reboot - Day 1 and 2

Day 1

Yesterday, I started a juice reboot.  It was a term coined from a documentary I watched called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.  Great watch and I learned a lot of interesting information.  I have had several people who have done a 3 day juice cleanse and they talked about the difficulty of it.  I have decided to do a 10 day Reboot.  Yesterday wasn't bad.  I felt fine for the most part until the end of the day.  The funniest part was how I kept reaching for food out of habit and not hunger.  In the evening, I started to get a headache and the joints in my fingers and shoulders ached.  My hope is that this is the bad part and will go away soon.

Day 2

Today, the headache and joint pain remain.  I am still juice only, but I decided to tell people I was doing this.  I spoke with a co-worker who did it for 3 days and says that she feels great.  My understanding is that the ache is a detox of these areas of my body and they are healing.  This is what I am hoping.  Today was only juice and I have determined that I miss chewing.  I found a great support group on Facebook that doesn't let you beat yourself up when it doesn't go the perfect way.  Here is to tomorrow's juicing extravaganza! 

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