Sunday, September 7, 2008


1st in the winner's circle we have walking.

Noah started walking in earnest on Thursday, but I was afraid this was another of his "look mommy I really can do it" and then never do it again. Luckily it is Sunday and he is still walking up a storm. This is the end of his walking across the room. By the time I got the camera out he was already to Stephen. We are also not sure what is up with the hat, but it has been a staple over the last several days. He can't wear it enough.

2nd in the winner circle is "the big boy bed." I went to Babies R' Us and got Noah a toddler bed. I wanted something close to the floor so he could get out when he wanted, since he has figured out how to crawl out of the crib. So Stephen and I put it together on Saturday (we got rained out of RennFest).
I don't know why, but I love to put together furniture, so this was a very fun project for me.

3rd in the winner's circle is that I have finally finished the first page of Noah's Sub. There are 8 pages total and page one has taken me 3 years, so at this point I believe I will be in my 60's by the time I finish.

But this still deserved a Steve Carrell happy dance, so I did one. :)


Sue in N. Va said...

Someone looks SO proud of his new bed!

And you deserve a happy dance! That page looks great!


Dawn said...

You page is certainly beautiful. I don't have the patience for cross-stitch any more. I need instant gratification (Thus photography).

How's that big boy bed working out? Ethan (who turned 10 yesterday!), Em and Tyler slept anywhere but their beds: the floor, under the bed, or the perennial by the gate in the doorway.

We'll have to get together. Soon.