Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Break

Spring Break has come to an end and it is time to return to work tomorrow. I had a wonderful week. Noah and I spent the week with Henry and had such a good time. Henry is very fun and we spent time making him laugh and smile. Noah had fun playing with Henry and trying to get him to kick. Noah would push his foot against Henry's foot and Henry would push back. It makes for a lot of laughter when you are and 11 months and 3 months. I wonder what jokes they will be telling each other when they are older. Noah even gave Henry a kiss on the head which I would have loved a picture of if it didn't happen so fast.

I also managed to rearrange my living room. I created more play space for Noah and got my dining room table back. Noah's toys are now in an organizer, so he can find them and we can put them away easier. Eventually, he will be putting them away, but by then I would like his toys out of my living room. He is fascinated with his basketball hoop at the moment and making it sing when you put the ball in. I am constantly amazed at how he grows and learns.

Did I mention how excited I am for summer vacation?

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