Monday, March 31, 2008

A Mom for a year...

Noah is one. I can hardly believe it. I am still looking at his baby photos and can't believe how much he has changed. We had a birthday party for him on Saturday at the Tuscarora Creek Park. Unfortunately, it was a bit colder than I would have liked, but everyone seemed to hold out okay. The party was also during most people's nap times including ours, but the kids seemed to survive it well.

He liked the whole party idea. Although he couldn't quite understand what to do with the candle on the cake. Daddy had to help.

It was a fun day and Noah was completely exhausted by the time it was over. Thank goodness birthdays only come once and year and I think we have learned that we will not be having his 2nd birthday party outside.

We got ice cream to go with the cake on Sunday. Noah seriously digs ice cream.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Break

Spring Break has come to an end and it is time to return to work tomorrow. I had a wonderful week. Noah and I spent the week with Henry and had such a good time. Henry is very fun and we spent time making him laugh and smile. Noah had fun playing with Henry and trying to get him to kick. Noah would push his foot against Henry's foot and Henry would push back. It makes for a lot of laughter when you are and 11 months and 3 months. I wonder what jokes they will be telling each other when they are older. Noah even gave Henry a kiss on the head which I would have loved a picture of if it didn't happen so fast.

I also managed to rearrange my living room. I created more play space for Noah and got my dining room table back. Noah's toys are now in an organizer, so he can find them and we can put them away easier. Eventually, he will be putting them away, but by then I would like his toys out of my living room. He is fascinated with his basketball hoop at the moment and making it sing when you put the ball in. I am constantly amazed at how he grows and learns.

Did I mention how excited I am for summer vacation?

Stephen says...

As I sit here at an Open House on a Saturday, just before Easter Sunday, waiting in between potential buyers to peruse this beautiful & unique house, I felt inspired to go ahead and ask, and English teachers please forgive the run-on sentences.

In light of this holiday, may the resurrection of the Housing & Financial markets, Consumer Confidence, our salaries & wages, the value of the dollar and our homes & neighborhoods, research into alternative resources of affordable energy, establishment of rational & reasonable standards of providing credit (not to mention many of our scores) vs. risk, our Congress, the President, banks & investors prepared not just to “delay the inevitable downfall of our economy”, but to provide a real intention to re-allocate more of our tax dollars we already pay to you to restore that which has been broken, please come to pass.

Since I’m already asking, may the reduction of the number of bankruptcies & foreclosures throughout the United States of America, the price of gas we all pay at the pump, the risk of inflation & stagflation, the cost of common, every-day purchases & food, the number of credible, information-providing institutional “doom & gloomers” that have forgotten about the all too important Law-of-Self-Fulfilling-Prophecy and fear come to pass.

Yes, the necessary correction of our economy is at our front door. May it not break the very foundation upon which this country stands for. And speaking of the front door, I need to answer it again.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Baby Withdrawl

Noah is growing up a little faster than I would like these days. He has a singular top tooth, which makes him look remarkably like something from Hee Haw, but what can you do. He is growing out of his 12 month clothes. So I had a sappy moment in Babies R Us with the preemie clothes. I just looked at Stephen and sniffled about how they used to be too big. I have been assured that you have to ride the emotional hump of the first birthday and the oh I miss my little baby. Good thing I am watching my friend's son next week. It will give me my baby fix and then I can get a grip and move back to my 4th graders.

Speaking of 4th grade, I told my boss that I would move to 1st grade if they had a position. I haven't taught it in 10 years, so I'm sure I'm insane. I love 4th grade, but I wouldn't mind being with the little ones again. We shall see. If not, then I have the most amazing science units on roller coasters, and being a weather detective that I am very excited about.

I joined a website to post my pictures on. Okay I forgot the name of it, so it is a good thing I saved the email. But I thought this would be a blast especially since I got my new camera this Christmas. I'm having a ton of fun taking pictures of the munchkin although it takes me forever to get them downloaded. Like this one of Noah at Christmas. Check out the Santa says "HO HO HO" on his butt. I love baby clothes.

Latest birthday question - who do you address the invitations to? For example, my friend Michelle has two children and we will invite them. I can't imagine her husband wants to come to Noah's birthday, but I'm sure Michelle and the girls do, so do you include the whole family, or just invite the kids? My goal is not to alienate anyone and we are cool if every guests whole family shows up. It is in a park on what we hope will be a beautiful day, so where is the etiquette guru when you need her.