Sunday, February 17, 2008

Odds and Ends

It has been forever since I felt like I have had time to sit and write. Several weeks ago my ear drum burst and that has been an ever constant trip to the doctor's office. It is healing, but I am virtually deaf in my left ear. Makes teaching a bit of a challenge.

Noah went to the eye doctor and it looks like he has Stephen's eyesight. Everyone do a dance. Stephen didn't develop issues with his eyes until he was 16 and his can be corrected with Lasix. Mine on the other hand can not be corrected and I started wearing glasses at 18 months. Also, they didn't have to pry his eyes open this time which makes me very happy.

I went and did some retirement research and it looks like I am going to have to work until I am 57. I was kinda bummed. I thought I would be able to retire at 53, but all my moving around has cost me a little bit. In several years, I am going to figure out about buying some years. I had always figured that teaching would be my first career and I would have time for a second one. The second one of course changes regularly, so I'm not sure what it is going to be...

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