Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Ways to Play

This has been quite the weekend for us. We had a great time at Ashburn Park with Henry, Jenni, Debbie, and Mirella. It was a very fun playground with lots of things to climb. Noah is a big fan of climbing and enjoyed the playground immencially. He also managed to pick up several 9 year old girlfriends while he was there. I am interested to see how he reacts the first time someone doesn't want to play with him. It was great to see everyone and play with Henry. I miss when Noah was that little. Noah decided at one point to climb into Henry's stroller, now he crawls in and out of his own. It works well in that it gives him a few minutes to play with the straps before he gets out. As always I am nervous he will fall, but so far has managed it like a champ. Sadly, I left my camera at home, so I don't have any cool pics of our playdate.

Today, we went back to the park with Daddy and had a nice lunch, then it was time to run errands and do some work at home. I broke out my clarinet in what seems like an eternity and Noah and I played. He couldn't figure out why it didn't work like the tin whistle. He kept blowing and blowing, but didn't get a sound. He also thought that sucking on the reeds would be fun, so he took one out of the box to test it out. After a while he gave up and moved on.

Noah has also learned to swim in the bathtub. I guess he figures if you can't be in the pool the bathtub will do. Usually, when I want him to get out of the tub, I just let the water out. Today I discovered that he knows how to turn the water on "cheeky monkey." So I will have to develop a new plan or I will never get him out of the tub.

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