Sunday, July 23, 2017

Pumpkins, Pools, and Rock and Roll

I was pleased to see I had posted in 2017, even if I don't really remember doing it.  How sad am I?

     But truly I am here to confess my new love, the one who will be the destroyer of my free time.  He has become my secret obsession.  He's like Voldemort and we can not speak his name, but I have come to find if I don't spend time with him each day, I get this nagging feeling that just won't go away.  What is this mystery that doesn't have a name.....

So basically, and in much less dramatic fashion, I have started guitar lessons.  I tried to teach myself, but it was quite a disaster, so I got myself a teacher.  It has been so much fun.  I returned to a community band, so I have my clarinet to practice too.  Sometimes I forget how much I love playing music until I get involved in it again.

We moved to Texas four years ago and I would love to tell you that this is my favorite place on Earth, but that would be a giant lie, so I'll refrain.  I've gotten more and more used to it and found things I genuinely enjoy about Texas, but the hardest part is when Fall comes.  In Houston there is Summer and the part that is not Summer, but since Summer lasts for about 9 months there isn't much else.  Houston likes to pretend it has a Fall by putting out pumpkins and artificial leaves that are orange, and yellow, but it hardly comes close to real Fall.  So this year in order to avoid the doldrums that happen to me this time I've year, I am going with the very adult, stick my fingers in my ears and shut my eyes.  I think it will be easier if I just acknowledge that it isn't happening hear and go with following the leaves again when I am retired.  Traveling the East Coast of the US during Fall is gorgeous.  It is when I fell in love with Vermont!  Who can beat a view like this.....

So in an effort to not lament the impending death of Fall, I am focusing on playing my guitar and playing in the pool.  We put in a pool last summer and it has been the greatest addition we have made to the house.  We go in it all the time and it should be in use come October, since it is usually about 80 degrees until close to Christmas.  I must admit I love the way it looks.

I've gotten back into writing, but nothing of significance and as I read through this entry I am reminded of my need to practice this on a regular basis too!