Monday, January 9, 2017

Only in January

I seem to have an affinity for posting in January and then slipping into oblivion for the remaining 11 months.  Blogging is like the perpetual epic fail of resolutions.  No, I didn't make a resolution to blog.  I just decided that all these thoughts I carry in my head should go somewhere and maybe it will take up less space.  I'm laughing that I am turning into my mother and talking to my thoughts.

So here I am because 2016 sucked!  I mean really sucked!  My mother died on January 18, 2016 after battling cancer.  It is strange being an only child and having both your parents pass away.  I feel lost and found at the same time.  I miss my mom incredibly, but I don't miss having to care for her.  Getting up at all hours of the night when she would start yelling for you because she was feeling lonely and wanted some company.  And at the same time, I miss being able to keep her company --  watching Golden Girls and talking about changes in the world.  My mother was so smart and a wonderful person with whom to bounce around ideas.  I now have time for the things I want to do.  With Noah being 9 almost 10, I have time.  I joined the community band.  I love it!  I forgot how much I loved it.   I have taken a bigger interest in knitting.  Primarily because it is portable.  For some reason, people are less offended when you are knitting as you talk.  I have friends who are amazing knitters.  I am not one of them, but I enjoy it anyway.  So with band and knitting, I am adding in writing.  I used to love to write.  Again, I have friends who are very skilled at this and I am mediocre, but I still love to do it.  I keep assuring myself that I will get better as time goes.

So welcome to 2017! Welcome to me in middle age!  Yikes!  Welcome to being a little selfish from time to time!  Welcome to new explorations!