Monday, March 2, 2009


Noah is growing so fast. I look at little babies and realized mine is no longer a baby, but moving quickly into kiddom. For the last month, Noah has been on an endless search and discover mission.

We didn't think it would ever happen, but we finally got snow. Noah thought this was brilliant.

He started his snow journey by helping our neighbor Kurt clean off his car. I am sure Kurt was concerned about the hood of his car, so Noah swept off the lingering snow. Next he decided to get started early with helping his father shovel snow. Luckily they make shovels in his size.

Although this was Noah's second Valentine's, I am pretty sure he doesn't really remember the first. This year I stole an idea from "Jon and Kate plus 8" and gave Noah a Valentine's backpack that had some toys and books and a candy heart inside. Noah walked around with his backpack on and was sure this meant we were going somewhere.

As the weather finally got warmer, Noah found out the sunroof in Mommy's car opens up and you can climb out it, if someone is there to help you. This was a good 1/2 hour of fun entertainment and he even abandoned "driving" the car.

While over at a friend's house, Noah also found out the if you have a large dog crate, a new playground is born.

As many of you know, my son is a guitar hero. We got him a guitar for Christmas and life was good until we went to Costco and discovered the Fender. We did not buy him the Fender, but it was fun to play with.
Noah got a hold of the camera that is in my purse and took his own photograph.

Lastly, I love it when my "boys" take a nap together and it doesn't happen very often.

Just like many of my friends, the discovery of Facebook and Twitter has pushed my blog to the back burner. The other factor is the sheer number of photos I take and sorting through them. Take heed I will be writing more often and still posting my pictures. Who knows what is to come....