Monday, January 21, 2008

One silly Noah jumping on the bed....

It is official. I have entered the bad mommy club for not paying enough attention to my son and he fell off the bed. Actually, Daddy and I were having a moment in another room and he woke up and fell off the bed. Way to kill a moment. He is fine, but Mommy and Daddy were a mess. Daddy was convinced that a part of his head might have concaved, but I assured him it was supposed to be like that and the minuscule dent was really the shape of his head. I know this is just the beginning, but wowzer.

Suzanne came over today and we took our nine month photos. Is he a cutie or what?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

We are mobile...

It's true. We are officially boy on the go. Over the weekend, Noah mastered the crawl. He is now up off his belly and fast. Today he decided to top himself and climb one of our flights of stairs by himself. Needless to say the baby gates and up and running this evening. I have never seen anything like it. Now he follows me whenever I am going. No more private bathroom moments.

He has also decided to try climbing. First it was me, and now he has moved on to the bathtub. This kiddo is going to send me to the funny farm, but he is awfully fun. He can pull himself up to a standing position, so we figure walking is just around the corner. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't lose him somewhere.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


So part of my 2008 hopes and dreams is to become more organized. Stephen got me a Franklin planner and I have been faithfully putting the important dates of my life in there. It is taking a while, but I have hopes that it will be fully implemented by summer. This also helps me remember when I need to get a sub for school due to Noah's doctor appointments. All this being said, Noah has decided to alter his schedule and I am having a dickens of a time getting him back on track. Pre-hospital visit, Noah would gladly get up around 8:30am and take a nap or two in the day and usually find his way to his crib around 9:00pm. This was great. I could still get school work done, before my bewitching hour. Post-hospital visit, Noah gets up around 9:30am, takes two nice long naps during the day and will not go to bed until 11:30 pm. So here I am updating my blog at midnight and Noah has just gone to sleep. I keep thinking if we could move him slightly in 15 minute increments, maybe I could get some sleep.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Home Again!!

We are back in Virginia. Thank goodness. Noah is doing well. He is off the nebulizer and free from his medications and back to his same energetic self. We made it back on Friday and were exhausted.

Today I returned to school. I am still exhausted. Noah's schedule has been thrown off, so he is now up until 11:00. This is rough when your day begins at 5 am. So I am here writing a blog while Noah is playing with his phone. I will be downloading some photos in the next day or so about our hospital stay. We got bored after a while and decided to play dress up the baby. Noah thought it was great fun. He is quite the entertainer. Reminds me of his daddy....